Voice 52 – Nick Gray

I came across this video while watching episode 50 of the very odd MarbleHornets Slender Man webseries. It came on automatically before the episode, and my thought process went something like this:

God damn! I have to watch an advert? What? It’s three and a half minutes? Don’t these people understand the internet but at all? Gah, and you can’t even skip it. Fine I’ll just mute it and do something else for three minutes until it’s over. There we go, muted. Ah blessed sile…actually, you know, now that it’s gone. Yeah, you know, I sort of miss it. There was a quality to it that I… liked… Oh. Wait. THE VOICE! IT WAS THE VOICE! HAH, BLOG TIME.

So here it is. Building plastics.

Fun fact for you. The muzac at the end of this video is also used at the end of the featured video for Voice 20. So I guess someone out there likes it.