Voice 56 – Strange woman who believes in giants

I have absolutely no idea what she is on about.

Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck!

Voice 55 – Yukako Ichikawa

Unfortunately it doesn’t appear I can embed this video at the moment, so for the time being you’ll just have to settle for a link to it here until I find a version of it that will embed on the blog. Much annoyance.

If you’ve heard of Yukako Ichikawa it’ll be because you’ve heard about her angry rant at Sydney diners, which accompanied her announcement that her restaurant, Wafu, was closing. She was apparently unable to cope with the idea that, when they see the word “restaurant” people expect a restaurant, not a private dining club complete with initiation and conduct policy. Me? All I care about is the way she says “Mmmm”.

Voice 54 – Ai Weiwei

Another brilliant rec here from friend of the blog Maria (in Cologne, no less).

Good person, great artist, voice voice voice voice voice. Speaking very movingly here about Chinese repression and what motivates his work.

Voice 53 – Courtney B. Vance

Good God. This voice is a thing of beauty.

Thanks Maurice for the rec.


Now as Maurice said he had trouble finding a video where ole Courtney was all on his lonesome, I decided I’d give the only video he could find top billing in tribute to his effort. But if you click on the More tab, you will be able to watch another video of this guy, that possibly qualifies as my absolute favourite soothing voice video in a very long time, possibly ever. More

Voice 52 – Nick Gray

I came across this video while watching episode 50 of the very odd MarbleHornets Slender Man webseries. It came on automatically before the episode, and my thought process went something like this:

God damn! I have to watch an advert? What? It’s three and a half minutes? Don’t these people understand the internet but at all? Gah, and you can’t even skip it. Fine I’ll just mute it and do something else for three minutes until it’s over. There we go, muted. Ah blessed sile…actually, you know, now that it’s gone. Yeah, you know, I sort of miss it. There was a quality to it that I… liked… Oh. Wait. THE VOICE! IT WAS THE VOICE! HAH, BLOG TIME.

So here it is. Building plastics.

Fun fact for you. The muzac at the end of this video is also used at the end of the featured video for Voice 20. So I guess someone out there likes it.

Voice 51 – Nani

For my money, the star turn of tonight’s Spain vs. Portugal Euro 2012 semifinal. So far, at least. And I’m gratified to discover that he has the perfect voice for my blog as well, making him effectively a perfect specimen of man.

Voice 48 – Russell Means

Ack, okay, lets ignore his advocacy of veganism and mineral water as a treatment for cancer, because I can’t even. He has a nice voice.

Thanks to Anish for the suggestion.

Voice 47 – the man with the haptic pen

This video goes up in tribute to my pal who started talking about haptics when I told him about my thing with voices, and made me feel profound, as opposed to compulsive and peculiar, by saying I was responding to the texture of sound in a stronger way than other people. Well, aren’t I a sensual mofo.

Besides that, this pen is just cool. Although it’s funny that they’re trying so hard to recreate the click of a camera shutter button for digital cameras and touchscreens, given that in a few years no one will even remember what it’s like to use a real shutter button. Then people will moan about how inauthentic all this clicking stuff is and how it just doesn’t feel right and they miss when all you got when you touched the screen was the faint sensation of static. Ah, the good old days.


Now pass the jump for an unbelievably creepy video about a jacket that allows you to cuddle yourself, which is not remotely soothing. More

Voice 46 – Reggie Oliver

Thanks to Chris Bauer for sending this in. I classify this in the genre of “classic soothe”. Basically just lots of crisp consonants and unthreatening poshness. I particularly like the completely unalarming way in which he introduces a Jack the Ripper related passage with “here’s a rather dramatic one in which he tries to strangle the heroine.” It reminds of the six-fingered man from The Princess Bride introducing ghastly torture to the hero as if he’s apologising for a below-par pot of tea.

And it’s a whole THIRTY DAMN HELL MINUTES of it. Yeah, I said damn hell, cos I’m bad.

Tweet me @buddle

Voice 45 – Some guy who contemplates stones. Yay pretentious!

Yeah, he likes stones. Look, here’s a book about them. Check out the pictures. Ah, he made them himself! I think. Well well.

Thanks to Harley for the recommendation.

Tweet me @ebuddle

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